MUCC Group Formulates 2030 Goals toward Carbon Neutrality
Apr 5, 2023
Mitsubishi UBE Cement Corporation
Mitsubishi UBE Cement Corporation ("MUCC") (head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Makoto Koyama) determined its 2030 interim goal and business strategy aimed at achieving carbon neutrality in its medium-term management strategy, Infinity with Will 2025 — MUCC Sustainable Plan 1st Step.
In our medium-term management strategy, we believe that global warming countermeasures are one of the critical challenges faced by the MUCC Group. We have advantages in terms of having major sites mainly situated in coastal areas of western Japan where there are large ports, and having technology and supply chains that we developed as a conglomerate company. By making the best use of the advantages, the MUCC Group aim to work together to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050 through the achievement of the feasible decarbonization scheme that is unique to cement manufacturer.
The following explains the major goals and measures.
- 1Target
2030 : 40% reduction in CO2 emissions (vs. 2013)
2050 : Carbon neutrality - 2Business Strategy
- Ⅰ. Early Realization of Energy Conversion
- Fuel conversion in cement production
- Waste derived fuel ratio : 50% (by 2030)
- Carbon free fuel ratio(Ammonia, Hydrogen, Synthetic Methane, etc.) : 50% (by 2050)
- Decarbonization of electricity
- Emission reduction by 2030
- Full decarbonization by 2050 - Ⅱ. Early Commercialization of CCU Business
- Recognize low-cost and high-concentration CO2 captured from cement production process as useful resource
- Establishment of CCU business model (by 2030)
- Ⅰ. Early Realization of Energy Conversion
- 3Technology Roadmap

The MUCC Group will initiate new initiatives to achieve carbon neutrality in cooperation with neighboring communities and other industries to be a leader in the industry.
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